Monday, November 19, 2007

I shouldn't be doing this, I don't have time to be doing this

I have 20 pg of Bernarda Alba to go through, I haven't even done my first read through of Gambaro, and I need to go over Dragun too. I don't know any of the terms for this test. and I got a 73% on the last one, so I need to do well. What am I doing at 1:#0 in the morning? blogging, and looking at pictures on facebook. and i know if I turn off my computer I'll just go curl up and fall asleep.

I just keep thinking about going home, and I can't focus on the gagillion things that I have to do before Wednesday afternoon. Or somehow they just don't seem important right now. I think part of it is homesickness, part of it is that there's so damn much, my brain keeps moving form one to the next in an unproductive frenzy, and part of it is that Rubal is going out every night and she doesn't have anything to do because she's not in school right now and I'm still the one who has to initiate anything if it's going to get done at the apartment like bills, and cleaning, and oi. just stop watching your hindi movies and do the dishes just once. please. I think just the juxtaposition between her workload and mine is getting to me.

I sat in the hallway with Dan, Sharla, AJ and David today for an hour or so just talking about nothing. I wish there were time for more of that. but there wasn't even time for that. I don't know what I'm doing right now.

I don't know what I'm ever doing and i'm always behind. I just want to see Rabah. and My Family. and sit down and think "oh looks like I don't have to worry about anything other than what I'm eating tonight. That's not going to happen - probably ever again.

This is a pretty sad post. I can't focus. I really really can't focus.

To-Do before flight 108 at 3:35pm:
- Study for Spanish test
- Spanish Essay (by Mon night so there's time to revise)
- Read Antony and Cleopatra/do question
- pick passage/essay topic for Shakespeare
- if possible write rough draft, bring to OH on Tuesday
- pick essay topic for 45c, outline for easy writing over break
- Senate meeting/ moving waiver
- Q&A for Int class
- yakov meeting
- work on Tuesday

"it's too late..."


Anonymous said...

You're going to be okay - no other choice.

Rabah said...

well put.

hg said...

maybe you should pray.

Anonymous said...

Well written article.