Thursday, September 27, 2007

midterm season?

Of course I'm updating at 1am when I should be doing my Shakespeare paper/assignment. oh well.

I need to keep up with reading.. and life in general. and my family. and friends. sometimes I wonder where all my time goes, and how much I "waste" over whatever period of time.

Finished his dark materials series. Was pretty good... probably would have been better if I had read them as a kid to begin with. Also- hard for me to imagine 12 year-olds having sex. Did people have sex when they were 12? Middle school? it seems too young. but I guess Pullman left it deliberately quasi (not really) ambiguous as to whether they actually did or not. No. but what is age anyway other than an arbitrary marker of time?

I'm craving tacos dorados from La Taquieria in the Mission. but do I have money for that? nope.

time for some shakes

Monday, September 17, 2007

BART of conciousness

I had one of those moments today in my modern lit class. Eric (Professor Falci, in this case to not confuse him with friend-Eric) mentioned something in brief at the end of class while discussing Joyce: how the pronoun "I" is both completely specific and completely generic at the same time. Have you thought about that? I never had before, I hate it and love it when something someone else says makes complete sense and I couldn't quite get there myself. its like there's a sense of relief that I finally got there, but disappointment in that I only got there by being nudged.. or maybe even shoved there.

I feel like when I focus on Spanish, my English comprehension skills go to crap and when I focus on English lit, I can't seem to articulate myself in Spanish. then again... I don't articulate in English either- I just use hand motions and noises most of the time. I should work on that- in both cases. stop rambling. get to the point. and use words correctly (unless of course I want to make one up.. probably shouldn't do that either).

To food then history. I've freed up my Mondays (thank god). now hopefully i won't spend the rest of my week catching up to what i couldn't do at the beginning. No more 10-midnight Mondays. woohooooo

Both Rubal and I need to clean up our crap. our apartment is gross.

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Fall back

In order to catch up in History, I have to read: Ch 1-5 in Bakewell, and read victors and Vanquished more closely.
In order to catch up in English 45c, I have to read: Hopkins, Hardy and Yeats
In order to catch up in the Shakes, I have to read the sonnets and finish Love's Labours Lost
I'm caught up in Spanish.

when did I get behind? Why aren't Latin America lectures more interesting? the reading is (if I had the time or the energy for it)

Week three.. already have essays coming up....

Do you ever want to call up people you've lost touch with, or haven't talked to in a long time, but think it might be too awkward of a conversation to start? I do it all the time.

I think I need a nighttime adventure.

I have not yet looked closely at hardy, Hopkinds or Yeats, but so far, I like this one (no I am not [yet] an Emily fangirl)best.

"The Brain - is wider than the Sky-
For- put them side by side-
the one the other will contain
With ease - and You - beside-

The Brain is deeper than the sea-
For- hold them - Blue to Blue-
The one the other will absorb-
as Sponges- Buckets- do-

The Brain is just the weight of God-
For - Heft them- Pound for Pound-
And they will differ - if they do-
as Syllable from Sound-"
-Emily Dickinson

Falci noted that Syllables and Sounds don't have any weight to them- they're jsut ideas, how can you weigh them against each other... but then again, is there any weight to God? to the Brain? what is either if not ideas created?

anyway, Hopkins is fun to read out loud... try it sometime

Thursday, September 06, 2007


My toe isn't getting any better. it was supposed've to be healed in 6 weeks. adag;iahgggehh... all I want to do is dance so that there's some comfort in the massive amounts of work I have to do. but no, i can't even do a basic rumba walk. or a lock in quickstep because of it. it's so enfuriating, makes me want to cry out of frustration.

today I realised, I have two midterms on the same day (for spanish and english), two essays due on the same day (for spanish and english) and two Finals on the same day.. for what? oh that's right, you guessed it, Spanish and English. I just want to do wellllll in both classes

Emily Dickinson is pretty interesting... never liked her before... but in some ways she's mind blowing and in others, she's still this ordinary recluse, who may have had an easy time thinking outside her shack.

someone's playing pretty good music outside (CCR earlier and now janis Joplin), I think it's down at Kips, maybe just a homeless person with a boom box. (do they call them boom boxes anymore?)

I'm going to go to office hours this semester, and I'm going to write. early reminder: NaNo WriMo is November... got your novel/screenplay ideas rolling? (I don't)

Yesterday I went to an amazing lecture by Michael Watts... sadly, it's nigh impossible i'll get into his class. so I'm sticking with the latin america. the sheer amounts of crap I have to do daily is slowly catching up (I slept a good Twenty Eight hours on sunday), but I'll beat it. With awesome friends like Eric to take me away i sure will.

on a side note, I hope i get into the swing cal.

Okay to do list for tomorrow:

- staple gun/fliers to Sarah
- class
- Contract signing with the Works

- Robert at 3:40
- Sports club meeting at 7
- Make it to rookie DS before it ends
- Give staple gun to Michelle after DS
- Get staple gun from Abhishek
- Read rest of Emily carefully
- Office hours for Chuck (mandatory)
- Matute cuento + example intro paragraph
- Skype Meeting at 10:45

The sad thing I realise, is the only way I'll get to see people is to schedule them in (like robert here).

I have massive mosquito (or something) bites, including one on my face. they itch.

should I do dishes? or sleep?