Sunday, May 20, 2007

Okay my lists are getting a little bit ridiculous.. i know.

Buttt.... one more. Things to do before I leave CO

1. POTC with Kaitlin
2. Wisdom teef
3. Ultimate?
4. Tea and Crumpets?
5. CHipotle (old one of course)
6. Starbucks with Rabsies
7. see "the group" (sorta)
8. See joe, Yang, Lauren, Anandi, Ildae, Alison... and other who don't fit into "the group"
9. golf with the pops
10. golf with the foote? / wills? /ady?
11. noodles with Kaile
12. swing dancing?

sounds good so far. I may have wasted a day by slouching around the house.. which i get to do for the next week or so when I'm drugged up and will have cabin fever.. one because i don't want people seeing me with chipmunk cheeks.. and two because my mom probably won't let me leave the house.

Then it's back to craziness.

I should probably start forwarding email all into one box... but what's the fun in that?

Home is good so far. My calves are huge (and getting bigger) and I am no where near the flexibility i should be... but that's what watching TV is for- stretching and doing rise/fall exercises. I'm a dork.

I want to see people. I have from the 28th to the 14th. ready... go!


Special K said...

I'm home. I may come bring you Juice Stop once I get things with my car figured out.


Let's write something this summer k?