Monday, May 14, 2007

Alex called me an emo kid for having a blog.

so I'm super done and checked out.

which means it's time to start packing.. signing leases... and as Ian says pimping some bitches

there better be tea and crumpet action when I get home- even if everyone has jobs.

I almost slept through my final today.. but it's over with and i never have to read any of this crap again. and I can move onto awesome stuff like Don Quixote, Marquez, Wallace, and other contemporaries... maybe I SHOULD concentrate in spanish lit? would make things easier

I get to eat in sf with Dan (my spanish GSI) que dreamy. jk... my whole class is getting taken out to "lo mejor taqueria en San francisco" it'll be grand. Jaime says that my spanish got a lot better... here's to not forgetting it in a month.

I'm again in a list-y mood. so for the summer- all thing things I never fully got around to:
1. Infinite Jest
2. God of small things
3. Cien AƱos de soledad
4. McSweeneys Literary Review
5. Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows
6. Transmetropolitan
7. Through the Looking Glass

to start.

i think i'll read some transmet now.


Mike said...

You're not going to watch HP OOTP?

Jessica said...

those were all books...

movies.. are another thing.