I'm wondering if I shoudl NaNoWriMo this year. i've failed miserably in the past.. and I feel like i'd fail even more miserably now that i'm in college. plus.. the first is tomorrow... and well.. i havent' got a topic... already i'm behind. someone shoudl remind me of this two months in advance. sheesh.
My goal for this week:
good essay topic by tonight-
go to office hours tomorrow
write out draft by friday
go to slc
revise over weekend
not worry on sunday night.
oy.. hopefully it works. I need this to be an amazing paper... and i need my milton paper to be an amazing paper.
CLAM submission?
Lindy on Wednesday? i dunnooooo
Tuesday, October 31, 2006
tomorrow's november first
Posted by Jessica at 7:07 PM 0 comments
Saturday, October 28, 2006
So many things
I want to learn to samba, jive and Pasadoble- i don't know if you can use pasadoble as a verb like you can with jive and samba. why do they teach us the broing dances first? i've deciede i need to be a lot more aware of my arms when i'm dancing..that's where all the attitude adn the action is. yeah buddy. i want to keep ballroom dancing... but i know it shouldn't be as important as say.. acing this next paper in engrish to save my grade.
now's one of those phases wehre i want to be able to read everybody's mind- soemtimes i thinkt hat's a violation of privacy.. right now. i don't really care. i want to know.
for those of you who read comic books and haven't yet read Superman Red Son, i highly reccommend it. the intro is a little pretentious.. but whatever. not as reccomended as alan moore or the sandman though.
Lord Wotton's words in Dorian Gray are hypnotising even when i know they should make sense... but htey do logically which is what's so dangerous abotu them. i need to read less books.. or not update this and actually do work. i think i'll do that soon
i hate waterproof mascara... it doesn't comeoff even with eye makeup remover. ugh. this is why i don't wear makeup.
four weeks? i'm looking forward to it.
Posted by Jessica at 5:59 PM 0 comments
Thursday, October 26, 2006
oh california...
Feels Like

Mostly Cloudy
Feels Like
I want it to be all bundly and cold so i can snuggle up to people and put my cold feet on them. :)
oh well.. it's nice being 73 too.
do it to it Lars
Posted by Jessica at 7:56 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, October 24, 2006
Waking up early = sleeepy jessica
maybe i should have just gone to bed earlier like i had planned. but it's worth being distracted sometimes i guess.
i need more hours in the day so i can both sleep longer and have time to read books that i want to read - i thought i was goingto be caught up by now... but i'm not.
i think this is the point where i start cramming way more in than i should into my days and then suddenly- WHAPAM! it's christmas break.
i Really like the Yoshimi Battles te Pink Robots Album by the flaming lips. I think it's amazering.
I took off word verification because i think taifur complained about it a long time ago. i don't think i'm that bothered by ads.
To not falling asleep in class!
Posted by Jessica at 11:55 AM 4 comments
Sunday, October 22, 2006
I've been studying for the past six hours straight.. you shoudl be proud.
so.. i'm taking a break from my info intake of the day. I often feel like sundays are my most productive days of the week. probably true.
I need to not eat as much junkfood as I have been recently... currently on my desk are a box of cinnamon toast crunch, a box of teddy grahams (cinnamon), and a bag of pita chips (organic) i think it's amusing how around here most of the junk food they sell on campus is organic or 'all natural' my mom would be happy.
my sister just told me she doesn't know what i'm doing in college and that i have weird friends and seem to be doing weird things.. hah. it's true. but i like it. it's my experience.
I'm in a listy mood.. bear (is that the right form of bear?) with me- I have swung back into reading with full force- currently in my bag is: dubliners (almost done), faerie Queene (book III seems to be much better than Book I), the picture of dorian gray (not yet started), bluebeard, and hapworth 16 1924 (which surprisingly i haven't finished yet)..oy. more and more i'm thinking english major.
it's weird thinking i just breezed through half a century's worth of history for turkey and Iran and am now at the seventies. maybe i should go back and breeze slower. easy mac first.
my screen is super dusty.
this was a pretty pointless post.
Posted by Jessica at 5:44 PM 1 comments
Tuesday, October 17, 2006
I think more and more i'm finding i like candid shots. or shots of people that they dont' know you're taking of them. you get more personality that way. I smile the same in all pictures.. there's no difference... just teeth.. and squintier eyes.
everytime i want a change i go to my hair. i have bangs again. maybe in a couple of weeks.. it'll be short again.
i think more and more we're collectively responding to the fact that things'll never be the same again. and moving more and more towards the direction of being okay with that.
i went into two book stores yesterday looking for The Picture of Dorian Gray- I left with Bluebeard (which i lost before with a doodle sidney gave me grr) from the first one, and Infinite Jest from the second. i'm cycling back into my spending money phase. - i still need/want that oscar wilde book. i always tell myself.. at least you're saving money because they're used books and you could have bought the new ones and wasted ten more bucks.. or five more.. or whatever. I think books are a good thing to spend money on.
Faery Queene takes up too much of my brain power. it exhausts me.
but at least i'm getting back into the swing of school. yeah. school's swinging again.
"the world we loved forever gone....we're only just as happy as everyone else seems to be..."
Posted by Jessica at 9:57 PM 1 comments
Sunday, October 15, 2006
they apparantly don't sell peter pan peanut butter here. I had to buy jif. it doens't taste as good. ergh. choosy moms my butt.
Posted by Jessica at 5:08 PM 1 comments
Thursday, October 12, 2006
sometimes you can't do anything but read
this post is completely different form the one I published this morning. (although it is a new day)
Its nice to have someone there who understands- there isn't one person who understands everything- i get that now.. i'm not going to find one person who understands how i feel about everything and i'm okay with that.
I have a reading buddy :o)
and after looking through wikipedia three minutes ago.. i want to read the entire list of books that were banned. that's one of my 'things to do before i die' read all the banned books.. i don't knwo whether to limit that to banned in america though.. i don't think i will. i dunno.
the problem with reading novels in translation is that i don't know what the good translations are.. and which ones are crappy. i've been wanting to read my russians for a while now.. and I don't know what copies to pick up.. because well.. translations make a difference. maybe i should find some crazy russian literature professor and ask them. maybe.
maybe there's a reason why the song "getting better" is stuck in my head?
i'm still confused.. but i'm okay with the confusion.
it's good to have good friends- or people with the potential to be great friends.
the gilda radner quote we used in the lit mag (the one that's on my facebook) applies so well.
funny how change is stagnant.
"Life is about not knowing, having to change, taking the moment and making the best of it, without knowing what's going to happen next. Delicious Ambiguity."
Posted by Jessica at 1:55 AM 2 comments
Wednesday, October 11, 2006
turn around and repeat three times....
Matt once used the quote “you’re true blue, Ethel” in association with me. And I’ve always taken pride in being upfront, and real and not fakey. More and more I realize even though I’m not fakey in the stab people in the back way, I can’t BE upfront and real unless I know my own opinions first. I find myself in debates… and not knowing whether the word I’m about to use is right.. or whether my facts are straight, or most importantly whether I’m playing devils advocate or not.
I don’t know. I forget too easily. I think I’m forgetting your faces. I know I’m forgetting your laughs. Even though we’re not supposed to cling on to each other, it’s okay to want to right? To want to be there? –even if we can’t do much good? Stupid over 1000K mile distances.
I slept through class today- the class I really needed to be at because I don’t know what I’m doing with Spenser. I don’t know what I’m doing. I love English. I love hearing people talk about English- and through that hearing their own passions for the literature. And to let you in on a secret you may already know, or in the opposite direction- may not want to believe- I don’t know what I’m doing when I’m with people like that. Why compare myself? Because I HAVE to. I hate floundering. But I love English.. so what do I do? Keep floundering?
I think this is my space to be ‘I’ ‘I’ ‘I’ because I like being ‘you’ ‘you’ ‘you’ normally. This is the spear to my side where all my inside stuff about me can come out.
This is turning out to be a negative post.
Can I love you right now? Because I want to.
I want to stand and talk to someone while hugging them. I can’t do that with guys because then there’s a stigma attached- and here… I’m not close to the girls. I’m not comfortable with them. I want to fit together like puzzle pieces or just be able to grab someone for a hug, or take naps next to each other. Or just get coffee- or uncoffee. Or be able to talk about anything. Everything.
No time no time no time.
I want to make something beautiful. I don’t feel like anything beautiful has come out of me in a long time.
(I want to be beautiful- by making beautiful things)
I’m not as weird as I usually am. I don’t feel like myself. I’m fitting into skin that is too loose- I told you that things change and we have to change with it, but we’re still ourselves. But jeez, weirdness has been a part of me for longer than I can remember. It’s like the phantom limb syndrome. I want to scratch it but I reach and find air.
When I get pensive- I get dreary and critical of myself. Life here is good. Life here is just- Hard. Confusing maybe. But the Good times come as often as the bad.
Posted by Jessica at 1:03 PM 1 comments
Sunday, October 08, 2006
letter to myself
Dear Jess,
There are a couple of things you need to learn:
1. YOU WERE NEVER CAPABLE OF A THIRTY MINUTE NAP- what makes you think that you are now?- you don't have two hours.
2. History takes a lot longer to read than you think it does. start reading earlier in the week.
3. Essays written at the last minute are always worse than essays written beforehand with time to EDIT.
4. even if you feel sleepy, learn to get over it and keep working.
EDIT (5:18 am): P.S. This is the worst essay you've written in about three years. nice going dip shit.
sorry i'm just procrastinating- time to chase myself in circles frantically.
Posted by Jessica at 10:04 PM 1 comments
Monday, October 02, 2006
it's been over a year
My list of little joys is over due. I made it this morning as I looked at the construction over the glade.
- Late Night Conversations
- perfectly ripe bananas
- good noses
- random encounters
- climbing trees
- phone calls from home (or people who remind me of home)
- Streetlamps and the halo effect when we squint
- solitude
- Peach-Os
- The Word Beautiful
- Peeing after waiting a long time
- crevaces
oh well.. I figured now's a good time to think about joys and the little things which make life worth living.
I realise I want to do way too much incollege just like i did in high school. Joyce was telling me i should only really have three extra curriculars-buuuut there's ballroom, church/biblestudy, Volunteering with middle schoolers, getting a job, a literary magazine on campus... and who knows what else I'll want to do.. maybe intermural disc at one point.. that's what... three more than i'm supposed to have. I dont' want to stretch myself thin but I really seriously want to do all of it. what shoudl i do? what's most important to me? I can't make that distinction right now. why can't there always be 29 horus in the day? ugh..
Posted by Jessica at 6:47 PM 1 comments