Saturday, August 20, 2005

"Being grown up isn't half as fun as growing up..."

Its interesting to hear everyone's different views on what that word means. A vacation, A lifetime, An experience, A simple passage of time.

For me, I guess it was like any other time of the year. A little more sun, a little more change, A little more relaxation... but overall... another piece of my life that's gone by.

I'll start off saying I missed everyone here in Aurora. I feel like the kids I talked to.. even if just through blog comments, i'll keep in touch with through college and if we talked on the phone (which i still hate) then even better. I hope you thought of me as much as I thought of you.

The summer started off interestingly with my first alcohol party at Jizraeliv's graduation party; its the first time I've seen that many drunk people (though I didn't participate) and moved on to europe. and experience in itself.

Europe was.. interesting, with crazy drugged chaperones, to the beads that define my wardrobe and my personality, to the watch that does the same. I have to say up til now.. I've never worn a watch. I came back with a craving for crepes, and an interest in learning how to say 'I love you' in as many languages possible... right now I'm to 11.

Harvard. Straus House. Dance Parties. Matresses in one room. Middle School Truth or Dare. Don't touch the toe.. don't touch the toe. Sardines in the stacks. late night science center runs. Annenberg. Noir. Fiction. Complaining about no Chipotle. New York. Getting chipotle. meeting straus B. Tee shirts. The Healthies. condom balloons. Dressing up. Brown. Yale. curfewless. crayons. Love Shack. The Garage. Backstreet Boys. Au Bon Pain. Rocky Horror.
in a couple word sentences that was my experience.

I've come back thinking that everything would still be the same. so many people are gone. more than other people changing, I've changed. I can't go back. I dont' want to go back. I don't know where my home is anymore.

"And you can never get it back. It's like you get homesick for a place that doesn't exist. I mean it's like this rite of passage, you know. You won't have this feeling again until you create a new idea of home for yourself, you know, for you kids, for the family you start, it's like a cycle or something. I miss the idea of it. Maybe that's all family really is. A group of people who miss the same imaginary place."

i think he got it right.

I don't know if i'm ready for school.. i guess its coming whether I want it to or not. It saddens me to know i wont' be seeing most of those kids I've lived with ever again.

To Those who've changed my life (for the better) this summer- whether actively or passively through phone calls, pensive moments and memories- Kristine, Misha, Kaile Joe, Lauren, Molly, Conor, Alex, Andy, Charlie, Neehar, Max, Rusty, Raye, Shonna, Lauren, Helen, Hannah, Heita, Hollen, Sebas, Abbey, Tiffany, Caitlyn, Joe, Vick, Dan, Ellie, Long, Vince, Tal.
We've spread across the US, maybe even the world.. some of you haven't moved at all...Lord how I'll miss you- I can only hold onto what we had in the past and remember that it's the past.

I dont' know about the best summer of my life, but it's a unique one. and that's all that matters.


Anonymous said...

Good to see you had a nice summer. Hopefully the rest of the year will go just as well.

Misha said...

jessica, i've always admired how you can say things so eloquently, and so perfectly express exactly what you are feeling. i'm extremely glad i got to be a part of your unique summer, and i'll never forget how unique you made mine.... i loves me some j park!!(stolen, i'm sry.)

Mike said...

well if you go to chicago again, I know a really good crepe place there.

There's a good crepe place in SF too, in the Japan center.

Mike said...

Hey you need to go into your blog settings and setup up the site feed. Setup an RSS feed so I can add you to my yahoo page!