Thursday, January 17, 2008

onwards and forwards

I've just come back from a ski trip with Dan, Sharla, Robert, Dianna, Donovan and Kevin which was fun, and a good relaxation time. I'm also just about to head off on an all FICb retreat from Friday to Sunday which should be as good, and even more of a vacation from emails and the stress of making sure everything is run smoothly and securely for this upcoming semester. That hopefully nothing goes wrong, and if it does, there was nothing else I could do about it.

My right shoulder is sore. For the first time in about two years I fell hard coming off the lift. Once, it was because Robert's pole was planted right in front of my board, the second time, was because of pure stupidity or the rental board or something. I don't know.

I just... want this semester to go smoothly. very smoothly.

Hope is a very good motivator, and also sometimes very unsatisfactory. I never finished my Dash article. Perhaps the church retreat will help.


Rabah said...

yeaa positiviteeee
are we on the same pge, maybe?
i should get back on it.