Sunday, January 07, 2007

i need a title.

I had been thinking I should update this for a while... i just didn't relaly have anything to say.

It's hard digesting a lot of food.

Isn't It wierd how people take priority with no regard to logic? I suppose some people force it to be logical.. or logical coincides perfectly with their true feelings, but for me.. I don't think it has in a long while...

I realise a lot that someday I want to be able to look at myself and look at my Ideal self and find that they match up- Seymour Glass said something in Hapsworth 16 1924 along the lines of.. "it is rotten and worrisome to have two voices" and well.. as of now.. i have maybe seven or so running around in my small brain of sorts. it'd be nice to converge them.

I suppose this will be a short post.

I still relaly don't have that much to say in this form.. I'm in more of a personal mood these days.


My Friend said...

Wanted to see if this one was still up and running. I didnt read that other one but judging from the title i sympathyse and empathyse the cabin fever

Basil Farag said...

I was like that for a while too. I found that my true self and ideal self didn't perfectly match but were almost there. Now I just have to be patient. It might be the same thing with you.

Mitch Albom makes for phenomonal comfort food at times like this. Best I can say is, go through the motions. Even Rogers admitted that not ALL things were the products of choice.