Sunday, October 09, 2005

Key Leader Conference

This weekend was exactly what I needed- a place away from complaints and college and petty self-indulgence. our speaker was so full of energy, it was hard not to be yourself. I hope I can keep this level of motivation/energy for a long time. If not, oh well, but I feel refreshed.

It was one of those times I had to ask.. who can deny that there is a higher being? I had never gone up to the mountains at this time in the fall, pre-snow. so I've never seen the aspen when they're turning. against the dark of the pines.. it's amazing. I only wish curfew wasn't so enforced.. and the outdoor lighs weren't turned on.. and then I could have stargazed.

At the same time, I wonder how real this can be. How genuine is energy if you create it? how genuine is confidence if you trick yoruself into thinking you are? at what point is it not pretending anymore?

I made goals before. and I haven't stuck to them before.. but here. keep me accountable.

1. I'm going to write one story a month at least. a full fledged story, not one of my random line incoherent ones. (November is nanowrimo. maybe i'll do it.)
2. I'm going to stop taking naps so often. I realise how much time is wasted. I can have just as much energy even if it has been 19 hours of draining energy.
3. I'm going to start exersizing. running/lifting. It's ridiculous how out of shape I am.
I burned my tongue badly. now I know why my mom said never drink hot things through straws. damn hot chocolate. However, starbucks now has caramel apple cider. amazing stuff.

EE's are due on teh 31st.. w00t.

I might watch adaptation tonight.. if I can finish my chem..

Song of the day: Banana Pancakes


Rabah said...

tricking yourself into thinking that your confident can be what gives you reaal confidence, cause you're like, 'yeah! i'm so good at this.'

i might actually have to try some of that cider. sounds really good at the moment.

have you had banana pancakes? they ROCK.

i'm glad your weekend was lovely. makes me want to have a good one next time. :)