Tuesday, September 23, 2008

why does Alicia Keys sound emo?

Of course I update when I have mountains of things that need to get done. I've gotten multiple comments on gchat about how I can't have 400%. only one hundred. there is no such thing as 400%. I feel like I'm trying to give out 400% and only succeeding in getting out maybe 30%.

I need to be more faithful to everyone. I am simply a friend of convenience, a non-friend as it were.

Myers-Briggs tells me that I am three of the 16 different personality types. my personality is determined not by large margins of YES YOU ARE DEFINITELY THIS OVER THAT- but rather, at most it's like a 15% difference. That means i'm mediocre. didn't I always say that I wanted to be really high, or really low, but mediocrity is not acceptible? I guess it has to be.

I've been in a funky mood lately. I think I have too big of a sense of responsibility, on top of a dislike of doing those responsibilities that I take on, and so I'm constantly unhappy. maybe not constantly. I'm happy. I'm happy when I'm distracted. Actually, I'm happy when I only have to think about one thing at a time.

Does anyone know why you can't get decaf iced coffees? and it has to be an iced americano if it's decaf? I thought that was just starbucks.. and then just starbucks and tullys.. .but now it's strada too.

to do list:
Philo essay/writing assignment
Chaucer Outline
Junior seminar essay
Read reeve's tale, cook's tale and Wife of Bath's tale
Walgreens trip
buy David a birthday present

start McTeague (I suppose)

ew. ew. ew. ew. ew.


Special K said...

What 3 Myers-Briggs? I'm ENTP. Alliy is ENFJ. That's all I remember from when we did that in GT Seminar sophomore year.

You can get iced decaff coffee. I brew it/set it up/serve it at work everyday. It's just really unpopular though and you have to prep it (unlike the Americana where you can use cold water instead of hot water with the espresso shot. That's probably why. We keep it in a tiny jug compared to the big coolers we keep regular, french vanilla and hazlenut coffee in, and never refill it, so it's barely worth having. So yeah... you could totally have decaf iced if you came to the Blue Room at Brown University in Providence, RI. Problem solved.

Let go. This coming from a girl who's finally learned to hold on. But your advice over the past 9 years has started to sink into my head. Albeit it's implemented in my own way, but it's better than anything i did before. Maybe I can finally help you in a similar way. Let go.