Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Once again I'm updating at a time when I have none (time that is)

my essay has turned into a weird mutated form of a five paragraph essay (growing three feet and a wing) and its pissing me off. I doubt my spanish essay will be much better.

My problem is.. when i fall asleep- i stay asleep.

it feels earlier than it is. a lot earlier- maybe becuase it's still bright outside- and yet it's 7 o clock. Rubal's asleep and my leg is also falling asleep becuase i never use my chair anymore. I want to SEE people i haven't seen other than a passing 'hi' or a 'we'll see eachother later' it's been two or three weeks. but no- i have to get through this weekend first.

hopefully I'll be able to hold it together tonight.

Damn the ballroom comp this weekend.


Lindsay said...

hi. i realize we don't really know each other or anything, but i feel like we're united in this college mess and that we're united in the battle with the five-paragraph essay.

are you going to berkeley then? i thought about applying there. i was born there. :-) i haven't been there in a long time though.

Young said...

I'm back on blogger!
-Ozzie's hosting me at Stanford. Visit please?

Mike said...

hey email me, I can't seem to find your email address. The spleechykeen and the supergurl both don't work!

Young said...

April 18th - 21st. Can you? Can you?