Sunday, December 04, 2005

A b'girl party!

So basically I slept about a total of... 27 hours over the past 48 hours. I don't know what My problem is.. either i'm developing narcolepsy.. or something. hopefully it was just from not sleeping the week before.

There's a lot that I have to do. but somehow.. i don't really care about hat right now. I always say i'm gonna do stuff over weekends.. but itnever happens. I always end up packing it into the week.

four school weeks until we're at the half way point. I'm excited to be in TWO english classes. It's going to be amazing. I was thinking about taking another art class. I miss being decent at art. now I just kinda suck. i think I'll like the off period though.

popsicles are like little icy sticks of joy.

I guess I should start working.

I need to kick back in Today, instead of grasping for Tomorrow or Yesterday.

why don't we use the term Yesternight anymore?


Teesa said...

I know..I hate doing that too. I always tell myself I'm gonna catch up over the weekend..and what do you know? Oh, well.
You should start saying yesternight.

Special K said...

I remember when you slept all the time. I remember further back when you were online all the time. Are you still taking daily naps? Y'all know how I feel about them daily naps... :imitates Tony:

Mmmm Otter Pops.

I miss being in two English classes.

Let's bring it back.