Thursday, June 21, 2007

Back In Berkeley

I can see Sausalito and the Golden Gate Bridge from my apartment. I like to eat dinner on my floor (becuase I don't have chairs)with my door sized windows open watching the sun set. my apartment is way cool.. and seems... bigger when all my stuff is in it.. wierd huh? like when it's empty and just feet of carpet, you don't really get the sense that all your stuff (and Rubals) can fit into that measly 480 square feet.. but it's so worth it. I'm just glad they don't make you pay more for the view.

I've decided to stop using plastic bags, and carry/fill my own cloth totes. usually the cashiers give you strange looks, but it's nice- like I'm sure that my bag won't rip and send everything falling through.

I have no shelving, no drawers, but I do have a really awesome kitchen space. small.. but awesome... partly becuase of mom... partly because of Eric...

Hopefully, once I start dancing again, all this work for Ballroom will start to pa off, and I'll enjoy it again.

I need internet. yesterday I got lucky and somehow accessed Airbears (school network) from my bed. not so lucky today. so I'm sitting infront of our (locked) library... kinda sketchy... but it'll do.

I love this place.. but I miss colorado's people. :(