Wednesday, January 21, 2009

planning for the future

This semester... is either going to be balls or awesome.
I think it might be balls.
These are some of my goals:

I'm going to try to not go home in between classes, despite living a block away. I think it just makes me waste time.

I'm going to study my ass off for the GRE, the CBEST and the CSET-- because my GPA isn't good enough to stand alone.

I'm going to make my GPA better by getting all A's (not minuses) and taking no classes pass/not pass.... although that's daunting if I manage to get into Justice's class. It's the same reader.... ugh

I'm going to go to office hours. I promise.

I'm going to try to work 10 hours a week at least.

I'm going to try to get up early and do something like yoga.

I woke up this morning at 7:30 for the inauguration and haven't taken a nap yet. I hope this lasts (godwilling. Though I need to pack better lunches.

I'm also going to blog more. blog better. For Kaile and myself more than anyone else.


Special K said...

well thank you.

but god you're motivated.

i dropped out of an ivy, don't want to go back and want to live on a beach in hawaii and work in a club the next year. then move back to the mountains.

share some motivation with me please.

you're amazing scholastically (and regularly) don't be so hard on yourself. breath. enjoy the bay.


Rabah said...

she got that right.
for me, too, please, even though my bloggins's been shite. i'll try to be better and productive with it for once.