Sunday, November 27, 2005

"You are what you love, not what loves you"

Sometimes I look back at some posts I created- and never posted.. I think those are the ones that say more about me than anything I have posted.

I hate those times when I look in the mirror and I find everything wrong with my face. Those aren't good days. I think I'm prettier at night.

everything comes back to me. I don't know about anything going on outside jessica's little world of IB and college. Not really a fan of that, but I don't see myself doign anything about it.

I love fruit. if you look at persimmons closely it looks like they have cinnamon in them. they taste like they have cinnamon in them- i just dont' like it when they get slimy. I think my favorite fruit might be the white peach.. despite having found a grub in one once. it inched across the table in a lazy fat manner just as I bit into the half that I had cut.. it was exactly the same colour as the peach and squishy.

I'm a bit miffed J.C. likes to believe the worst in people. It seems whenever I try to have a little bit of respect for the guy, it comes crashing down. I find it depressing that Peter can give better messages than JC can despite going to seminary.

Age of Innocence is painful. East of eden was pretty amazing. not quite to the point of making me stop and wonder at Steinbeck's genious, but still good.

There's something about good ol' Jerome David that gives me shivers.

If I love books and writing so much, then why do I have such a hard time putting words together?

I hate being vulnerable. love's one of those things where you cut yourself open and you don't care what they do to you. Anything is justified. Isn't that horrifying.

Maybe I'm cutting myself open and you're still a hundred yards away. I'm waiting.


Young said...

A squishy grub in a peach that was the same color...I can see it. Inching its way across, leaving a trail of peach residue...


nick said...

>> Sometimes I look back at some posts I created- and never posted.. I think those are the ones that say more about me than anything I have posted.<<

Repeated for the goddamn truth.

blogger said...

Hey Jessica, I'm not sure if I met you but I know Peter. Thanks for posting my drawing. Mad love for a sister. Hope the best for you.

Anonymous said...

Those are the posts I just stop writing. If others could see in us what we see in ourselves, what a tripped world we would live in.

"I hate being vulnerable. love's one of those things where you cut yourself open and you don't care what they do to you. Anything is justified. Isn't that horrifying."

I think we care too much what they do to us. It hurts twice as much because we know they are hurting us, but we let them do it anyway.