Wednesday, October 24, 2007

got a new fridge today :)

oi. Rounds were a disaster (my fault). Some reason my weight is really non-fluid and funky. I feel drunk, or light-headed, or something. I don't know.

reading to the lighthouse for midterm on Friday, thought I'd share this quote because well.. Rabah knows what I'm talking about:

but Minta still sobbed, all the way up to the top of the cliff. It was her grandmother's brooch; she would rather have lost anything but that, and yet Nancy felt, it might be true that she minded losing her brooch, but she wasn't crying only for that. She was crying for something else. We might all sit down and cry, she felt. But she did not know what for

er.. yeah. I have wanderlust. bad wanderlust. want to go somewhere quiet and peaceful, where the tides can cover me and my grandmother's brooch and we can sail, lose sound, and sleep.

Our new fridge is awesome. it's bigger. and things only freeze in the freezer.

Rubal is awesome too. she brought me pekore from the gurudwara, and makes me aloo parantha in the middle of the night.

Next week will be my week. My week to catch up on school, get in more hours at work, work on my ballroom technique (buy new heel caps for my standard shoes) read faulkner... and sleep. and essay. but sleep first.

To-Do by end of Friday:
English midterm prep:
# Finish Lighthouse
# portrait of the artist
# The darkling Thrush
# I wake and feel the fell of dark, not day
# no worst, there is none, pitched past pitch of Grief
# Second Coming
# a pact
# In a station of the Metro
# oread
# thepool
# sea rose
# garden
# tender buttons
# the oven bird
# birches
# design
# chaplinesque
# repose of Rivers
# Voyages
# poetry
# to a snail
# the Pangolin
# spring and all
# Review: to Elsie (WCW), the fish (moore), easter 1916, leda and swan, Lakeisle of innisfree(Yeats), dickinson, terms to know

Spanish midterm prep:
# hand out sheet
# go over rhyme terms
# lit terms
# poems
# meet with Elana tomorrow?

Lunch/dinner with Michelle/eric

Prep for Calstate

OSL constitution

Alumni House contact

Faculty club contact (to jennifer)

Meeting Agenda

Points budget fixes

Sleep (hopefully)

Do well in comp (hahh)


Rabah said...

you eating pakoras?? hahaa THAT'S what you were saying...not pekoe...hrmmm

Rabah said...

ps. you cute