Tuesday, February 17, 2009

what to do?

I love school right now.

My spanish class,though under the pretense of an advanced Grammar and Composition class, is in reality a class on Education, Processes of Learning, individuation, and so on. Things that I love, but feel that philosophy classes, education classes and so on ruin by making to too touchy feely.

My Short Story class is reading amazing stories, and through reading amazing stories are exploring aesthetics of story telling, aesthetics of myth and other things that also interest me.

My Justice Class (for the non-berkeleyans, it takes the name of my professor for a lack of a better name.. eng 110?) is exploring literary traditions, also aesthetics of narrative, but in a longer, more epic way that goes into what makes something a classic, what makes one text influence another, or many others? Perhaps, more simplistically on the profundity of text.

My history class is meh, but interesting in its own way (if only i didn't have to do any work for it)

and If I had the time to sit and focus on everything it would be SO worthwhile, but alas the time is never there.

we shall see.


Ezra said...

"NO!!!! TIME!!!"
(Time's hands slips from grip as Time falls into...)

"Time never had a chance.
(Tear falls from face)

"The sorry son-of-a-bitch never had a chance."

love ezra

ps. Don't be busy, I feel sad when you have no time for yourself. :(