Monday, January 26, 2009

threesomes and guapitas

I went Salsa dancing for the first time yesterday. I mean, I know the basic, and I know some concepts of tension, lead and follow, etc that I learned for other dances, so it's fine... but still... I didn't like Salsa because well... I don't know. I didn't for whatever reason. I thought it was over rated, people raved about it too much, I was too cool for it etc. But I went, because I didn't have much to do last night and because I wanted to go out, and because I wanted to hang out with Marta.

I met a crazy white guy that tries to impress too hard, a squat guy named alejandro, who is a good leader and demanded that I come back every Sunday (unlikely), a guy who kept asking me to dance, but always 2 seconds too late (eventually he got a bachata and a salsa in), a creepy old man who was getting too close, a middle aged chinese man with a long memory... Its time like these when I wish I weren't so loathe to use my Spanish.
But there was this one guy. he was huge. by huge I mean seven feet tall, biceps the size of my thighs (maybe bigger). and he was GOOOD granted I didn't get a chance to dance with him, but at one point, he was dancing with two girls at once. Most of the time when people do this, it's in play, and then end up doing very simple underarm turms and basic steps, and usually ends in laughter, and separation before the song was over. He was dancing with two girls better than most guys can dance with one. really really. he was turning them, dipping them, leading with his foot in addition to his arms, he'd spend 20 seconds paying what seemed like sole attention to one (even though he was still holding on to the other y the hand, and keeping her from being bored without looking at her, and then switch, and go back to paying attention to both. If there was anyone meant to have a threesome, it would be this guy. just wow. wow.

And then there was the instructor lady on the other side of the room. Jacob was saying "you know... if you continue the metaphor, that kinda means she's a slut". but DAYMN. granted her leaders were good too, but her flair, and the way that she moves her body is so fluid and I understand what salsa is actually supposed to look like. Her spinning is just tops. really. she stays perfectly on balance, and it's so clean... like squeaky clean. I think the floor was slippery enough that she wasn't stepping though... which helps.

Other than that, we missed the bus by 10 seconds and had to take a cab home. All in all it was a good night... but I still like swing more.

before that I played ultimate with the boys and Dave Wang came out (yay). and GC meeting (boo)


Rabah said...

i finally understand why you dance.