Thursday, February 24, 2005

in full swing

Today, was my first day of golf practice. There's something nice about having shannon there, and when Malorie comes tomorrow, it'll be cool because I get to see her every day now. It was so much fun just being wierd and loud (even when we're not supposed to be) with kyle, Alison and Amanda again. When Selina and Christina get around to showing up, it's going to be great. Flatirons is the fifth... all the more reason for my parents to not let me go to Streetlight.. le sigh. Hopefully I can be consistently on Varsity this year though. Its nice to play and not worry about keeping the V1 spot and all that. I think I enjoy not being the best... at least in this one thing.
I was champion of the world 2/2 for our chipping/pitching games. If my short game ends up like how i hit today... I'll be ecstatic...
long game needs work.
Today was a good day. I'm looking forward to may.

golf is like a breath of fresh air from school; the time goes so fast, but at the same time everything seems to be slowing down, and your legs aren't running in a blur... it feels... relaxed.

I got in to summer school at Harvard... I think I'm both happy that I did, and somewhat dissapointed. If I hadn't gotten in, I could have stayed here and hung out with all you cool people. I suppose I still could... but I'm less likely to...


Special K said...

Oh god. Next thing you'll want is the middle management husband who works a 9-5 and comes home to you, the 2.5 kids, and dog in the house in the suburbs with the white picket fence and mini van. :-p