Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Fall back

In order to catch up in History, I have to read: Ch 1-5 in Bakewell, and read victors and Vanquished more closely.
In order to catch up in English 45c, I have to read: Hopkins, Hardy and Yeats
In order to catch up in the Shakes, I have to read the sonnets and finish Love's Labours Lost
I'm caught up in Spanish.

when did I get behind? Why aren't Latin America lectures more interesting? the reading is (if I had the time or the energy for it)

Week three.. already have essays coming up....

Do you ever want to call up people you've lost touch with, or haven't talked to in a long time, but think it might be too awkward of a conversation to start? I do it all the time.

I think I need a nighttime adventure.

I have not yet looked closely at hardy, Hopkinds or Yeats, but so far, I like this one (no I am not [yet] an Emily fangirl)best.

"The Brain - is wider than the Sky-
For- put them side by side-
the one the other will contain
With ease - and You - beside-

The Brain is deeper than the sea-
For- hold them - Blue to Blue-
The one the other will absorb-
as Sponges- Buckets- do-

The Brain is just the weight of God-
For - Heft them- Pound for Pound-
And they will differ - if they do-
as Syllable from Sound-"
-Emily Dickinson

Falci noted that Syllables and Sounds don't have any weight to them- they're jsut ideas, how can you weigh them against each other... but then again, is there any weight to God? to the Brain? what is either if not ideas created?

anyway, Hopkins is fun to read out loud... try it sometime


Mike said...

So I saw you forgot your password for my blog. But you didn't leave a post! How's school? BTW you didn't tell me what you thought of HP7?

Rabah said...

you now sound officially like an english major in your posts. and i sound officially like a science major.

so i suspect we are SO not behind. ;))