Sunday, August 26, 2007

so it begins.

This thing has become more and more decrepit as time goes on. I should probably just stop blogging all together, just like everyone else, considering, Rabah... and maybe Eric are the only ones who read this anymore. but just because it doesn't have content doesn't mean that it doesn't still have myself enmeshed into it. I guess it's a little piece of Jessica if anyone ever wants some. Maybe that's why I miss reading people's blogs. it's the fast and easy way to keep in touch, or feel like you're still in touch (even if you're not). It's kinda shady. makes me feel like a voyeur, but not in regards to sex, but in regard to other people's lives. I think that might be worse. more personal depending how much they encrypt and how much is blatant.

I'm back into a Neil Gaiman fix. read/watched Stardust, i think it's one adaptation I don't mind, even if the CG was a bit... CG-esque, but I suppose it's that sort of fantasy. They did a good job of turning the book into something movie-able. Finishing Anansi Boys, and then going to quickly read golden compass before I have to start reading the Shakes, or something else for epanish or 45c. Espero que esta chica "Mayra" es tan chida como Dan, o por lo menos como Mary.

Dance party yesterday, need some new moves. learned that "hyphy" was dead. Saw Church kids today, that really made me feel like school was starting.

gonna go back to reading.. as if I won't be doing that for the next 15 weeks...


Rabah said...

n't stop blog's cruddy, too....even basel may have stopped reading it.....but we might need them someday. i won't stop completely if you don't.

maybe we should rejuvenate them....:))))
i love you lots, am missing you lots

Mike said...

I read your blog still. Even if you don't read mine. =(

Anonymous said...

i still read this!

hg said...

oh snap! i felt weird reading this entry.... and would have felt even more guilty have i not left a comment.

i think the blogs are at its finest when its completely random and dispassionate from the writer. or have a common thread running through them (and the thread not being the writer herself).

see you sunday. if i see you i'm going to sit with you. you can either 1) hide or 2) run.