Thursday, April 26, 2007


I think I might have a job (maybe) otherwise I've been sending out me sadly lacking resumes for office assitant positions across campus. hopefully, hopefully this comes through. but it's really hard to get a job i think when i'll be gone for a month at the beginning of semester.

Hopefully I'll be able to work full time for the summer. that would seriously make my day- if i'm making my own money. I hope in the future, I'll be able to at least help my parents out by paying for utilities in my apartment (which i'm still waiting on) and by paying for vacations, extra stuff and ballroom myself. as soon as I find out how often I can work and how much i'm going to be paid, I'm going to sit down and start saving as soon as the money comes in. I know how fast it can be spent unless I make a concious effort not to.

so. otherwise... the Berkeley Classic is on saturday, boat dance is today and lindy at night is on friday. so lots of dancing this weekend :)... and a lot of work too.

I'm scared for our DeCal, I hope it goes through, I hope we can get a faculty sponsor, and I hope that I get workstudy (and thus dont' have to pay taxes :))

I'm not ready for the competition. but I'm glad things are slowing down extera curricularly for the rest of the semester so I can focus on writing these papers... which... i need to focus on writing these papers.

i wish it came easy to me... but then, doesn't everybody?

things jessica needs to do- get some cardio, build up her ankle strength, as well as her arches, DO HER FREAKING PAPERS, decal, housing, job...

looks like a lot of things are in flux.

EDIT: I have a JOB interview!!!!! :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) : ):) :):):) okay that's enough.


Special K said...

Heh, heh. I just wrote a huge entry in my LJ about money. Blah. Blah. Blah.

Good luck with the job interview! Let me know how it goes. If not, you can always wait tables. Balls work, but I can teach you some tips to make a decent amount of money.

<3 <3 <3

Rabah said...

jessica's got a jobbbbbbbb....i guess that resume worked then, huh? ;)