Saturday, November 12, 2005

I dunno man, I dunno.

I went and saw Malorie today in Little Women, it was pretty sweet, i thinkt hat was one of my favorite books as a kid. and you know.. I was thinking about it during the musical, and really, most of my favorite books and movies have been about writers, or writing or something to that extent. Maybe I make them my favorites becasue it seems right, maybe I'm simply drawn to them. I think its the Latter.

There's something about talent that's unattainable for me. I guess sometimes I feel mediocre at best next to certain people. Maybe I'm pulling myself in too many directions. I've got this image of these strings, not unlike ian's wax-wires that are pulling at me, and eventually splatter me across this room as limbs and my nose go flying across the room. I don't want to be mediocre. I want to be amazing.


Rabah said...

But sheebies, you already are.

I think there's something about talent that draws out talent in others. Then the feelings of mediocrity come about because it's so difficult not to compare talent.

But there's really no use for comparison when the talents are of completely different styles.

Special K said...

You say that "I dunno man, I dunno" way too damned much.

You sound like Tony. Don't be content with mediocracy.

Special K said...
