Friday, November 26, 2004

the aftermath of feasting

I really enjoyed thanksgiving. perhaps it was simply a need to gorge myself on food. despite challenging my cousin was a disapointment (he was too drunk) trivial persuit and damn dan's friend dan thwarting my everlasting plans for a pie... *shakes fist* ah.. T2... the perfect end to that day, hanging out with my friends, although i wish there had been less 'lets tickle jpark' and more random dancing... and kaile... somehow days feel empty without her, and i'm sure i've said that many times.
for an almost full list of what i'm thankful for, go to my xanga

and sorry to certain persons for not knowing that this blog was blocking anonymous comments. comment away.


Anonymous said...

arrr!! jessica!!!!!!!

still chowin down on those baby burritos? haha

long time no talky.. yes.. long time..

i can no longer swing dance. siigh.


Mike said...

ah, finally joined the real world of blogging eh? Cool! Hey youshould go into your settings and turn atom xml on. When you do that it's called syndication. It makes it easier for people to read your blog through rss readers (blog readers). Then on my page I can add your blog and have it come up on that page. Pretty cool eh?

Anonymous said...

Glad you didn't get food poisoning.
Not to start up another tiff, but I'll insert my opinion anyway. Kaile never stuck me as worldly so much as elitist. (sp?) Covince me otherwise.

Anonymous said...

I'm very glad that she's done that for you. It's wierd how He seems to turn certain things around. She can not, however, do that for me obviously. The reason behind the comment before is that it seems that if you are not up to her intellectual standards, not even necessarily level, you are not worth her time. Am I off-base? I tend to give everyone a closer look, no metter their standing on issues or level of intellect. Not everyone thinks like me, and that intrigues me about people. It doesn't push them away.